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~Mennez RedWolf & Sthar ShadowHawk's
Hand-Fasting Ceremony
~Ritual In Full Form~

Preparations~Decorate w/ flowers (maybe using Peacock feathers for Hera
& dark red/burgunday roses with daisies), fruits, nuts, signs & symbols of fertility of growth.
Mark a 2nd outer circle for extra guest. Set altar facing North, can face outer gathering.
Decorated besom for good luck, leaning against altar. Floral head wreath for bride
& greenery headpiece for groom.
Candles of color theme or silver & gold. Wand decorated in theme colors.
Binding ribbons- One yard (3 feet) of burgundy, green, silver & gold ribbon on altar.
Both Athame's of HPS & HP. Salt & water bowls, censor, altar decorated,
anointing oil, special made incense if desired, (can correspond to couples astrological birth signs),
charcoal disk/sand, matches, Goddess & God symbols/image/pics-
(any special herbs can be used), Rose/flower petals in basket for maiden to add to circle boundaries.
Make or buy any special gifts / pouches / charms / scented oils prior to event.
Can decorate elementals, gate-way-arch and outer lighting of path leading to circle,
by connecting w/ ribbons & decorations. Rings, chalice filled with
wine / Champaign, cakes/cookies, ect. All Members swords.

~Begins Here~

~ HPS~ Rings bell 3x's then, anoints (oil) HP~ w/ pentagram & says :
"Here I do bless & consecrate you in the names of the Lady & lord.
Be here in peace & love w/ honor to all life. Blessed Be."

~HP~ anoints (oil) HPS: -*"Here I do bless & consecrate you
in the names of the Lady & lord.
Be here in peace & love w/ honor to all life. Blessed Be."

~HP ~Lights incense & takes censor & raises in North high & says;

"With Fire & Air of this censer, the aroma & smoke serve to cement the foundation
of this, our temple. I dedicated it in honor of the Goddess & the God, in love
& life, as You witness this Testimony in Your honor.

(Lower censor & move deosil around circle,
return to North- & bow, return it to altar.)

HPS~ Bless salt w/ athame &;

~ The Salt is Life. Let this salt be pure & let it purify our lives,
as it is used in this sacred circle in this special rite dedicated to
our Lady & the Lord.

~HPS~ dips 3 dips of salt to water dish w/ athame, stirs 3 times & draws
a pentagram in water & say;

"Let the scared salt cleanse & purify this water, that together they be blessed
& used in the service of the Lady & the Lord in this rite dedicated to Them.
Through the power of the Goddess & the God is this water Blessed."

~HPS~ takes Blessed water to North, raise high & says:

"With Earth & water, I consecrate and bless this circle in the
building of this scared temple. I dedicate it in
honor of our Goddess & God, in love & life,
as You witness this unity in Your honor.

Move deosil& asperge around circle,
return to North- & bow, return to altar.)

As Bride & Groom approach, walking thru lit
torch/candle walk- way from tree,
outside of circle to gate entrance and
pass by two lines of members
opposite of each other, holding swords high,
each member lowers their sword
to the ground as the bride & groom passes thru
together for a clean cut of the past.

~Being properly prepared, HP ~ Greets Bride (Sthar) & anoints her saying:

"Here I do bless & consecrate you in the names of our Lady & Lord.
Be here in peace & love w/ honor to all life. Blessed Be."
Kiss check & hug.

HPS~ Greets & anoints Groom(Mennez) & says:
"Here I do bless & consecrate you in the names of our Lady & Lord.
Be here in peace & love w/ honor to all life. Blessed Be."
kiss check & hug.

~HPS & HP~ Now anoints and allow entrance of all members only,
by repeating the above anointing.

~HP~ rings bell 3x's.
~HP ~ Moves to center of circle with lit taper and…
~HPS moves to center with raised athame & states:

"I call upon Light & witness of East, South, West & North.
Powers of knowledge, will, gentle change, & stability to watch over
& protect this temple between the worlds as You give witness
to 2 of your children giving their promise to each other.
Guard this rite of Three Star Shadow Grove, as this circle is cast.
May all who enter do so under your guidance of
perfect love & perfect trust with balanced harmony.
Only love shall enter and leave. So mote it be!”

~HP~Moves to North ~ lights candle and says:
(Face north)~ Where the Earth forms our firm foundation.
(may invoke & Bow)
HP~Moves to East first ~ lights candle and says:
(Face East)~Where the life giving sun rises each day for new beginnings.
(may invoke & Bow)
HP~Moves to South ~ lights candle and says:
(Face South)~Where the Fires rise to warm and illuminate our heart and spirit.
(may invoke & Bow)
HP~Moves to West ~ lights candle and says:
(Face West)~ And Where the waters give nurture to our lives.
(may invoke & Bow)

~HP~ Lights both altar candles & says;
" Here is Light that I bring into this sacred temple between the worlds.

"May it light the way through the darkness of ignorance to the World of Knowledge.
Light to Life in all things.
So mote it Be!"

~HPS~Takes her athame, kisses blade, holds high & says:

"My Lady & my Lord! Assist me,
Your child known as _______________
Mother of______ Daughter of_______,
Grand daughter of______, Ect.,
As this temple of life is constructed, around, above, & so below,
in Your honor. May the circle be protected
& charged by the power of the Ancient Ones.
And Only Love shall enter & leave, So Mote It Be!

~HPS~ raises arms & say;

"Hail to the 4 watch towers! Welcome, my Lady & my Lord,
we welcome you here today to witness this sacred union held in Your honor,
as we stand between the worlds, with Love, Life & Joy.
Blessed be are we to invite & make welcome our Lady & Lord
as we give honor and reverence to You.”
“Here, today are two of your children, who wish to
be made of one heart,
in Your eyes. Witness their promises to each other and
stand beside them through out life, they wish to lead together,
with Your Blessing, So Mote It Be."

~HP ~

"Welcome my brothers & sisters & to all, who come to this sacred place
to witness this time honored union. And Doubly welcome to Sthar & Mennez!
” Today we stand upon this Holy Earth & in this scared temple
to witness the union of two children, two souls to come together
as one heart~ Mennez Red Wolf & Lyraj Sthar Shadow Hawk.
Just as we come together as family & friends, Brother & Sister,
so too, does the Lady & the Lord of the Wildwood.
May this scared union be filled with Their blessings.”

“In the name of the God, is Love declared.”

“In the name of the Goddess, is Peace declared.”

~HPS & HP~ say together~
“In the names of our Ancestors, whose traditions we honor
& in the name of those who gave us life, we are united in Love.”

~Maiden~takes basket of flowers to North, raises basket & says;
"By seed, root, bud & stem, leaf, flower, life & love,
in the name of the Ancient Ones, may all in the Circle of Life,
give testament to this union today, So Mote It Be!"
(Lowers basket, walks deosil, scattering petals around circle,
then return to front of altar and scatter petals for the bride & Groom to stand on.)

Bride & Groom now step up to altar~

"The foundation of a good marriage is mutual respect,
encouragement for each other's interest & accomplishments with support.
In our religion, it is said- that each member is like a spoke of a wheel;
none is either first or last. So too, is this in a marriage.
All are necessary to make up the whole. Both are equally important.
Your partner is not just your wife or husband, but also your best friend.
Perhaps this has become something of a cliché’- but, it is true.
The sacredness of union means the two that are one, becomes one flesh.........
if you are consenting constantly to it, instead of to individual personal whim,
you come to realize, that this is true…._the two hearts really are one.

Standing before us are Mennez Red Wolf & Lyraj Sthar Shadow Hawk,
We bid you both welcome & blessed be!"

~HP ~(ask Sthar)~ “Are you Lyraj Sthar Shadow Hawk?” (Sthar)~ “I am”.
HP~ “What is your desire?”
~Sthar~ ~”To rejoin with my true love from the past with a new beginning.
To be made one with Mennez Red Wolf,
in the presence of our Lady & Lord of whom
we believe, my friends, family & sisters & brothers”.
HP~ "I welcome you with love, life & joy."

~HPS~(ask Mennez)~ “Are you Mennez Red Wolf?” (Mennez)~ “I am”.
HPS~ “What is your desire?’
~Mennez ~” To rejoin with my true love from the past with a new beginning.
To be made one with Lyraj Sthar Shadow Hawk, in the presence of our
Lady & Lord of whom we believe, my friends, family & sisters & brothers”.
HPS~ " I welcome you with love, life & joy."

~HPS~(ask to both)~
"Do you both wish this in the names of the Lady & the Lord?
~Both~ “We do”.

~HPS~"Lord & Lady, here stand two of Your children.
Witness now, that which they declare."

~HP ~(rings bell 7x's)
~HP ~(ask Sthar)~ "What do you bring with you to this sacred union?
~(Sthar)~(Lays Mennez ring on pentacle) & says:

“With tiny tears that glisten, as my eyes were fixed on you,
remembering the life we once shared, as we softly said I do.
Our hearts have remained together from that time
when we first met, so long ago.
You saw the real me and accepted me,
a time of happiness,
a time of sorrow and pain, as we hid and cried to learn from a time of growth.
A loving mystery now gone by. No regret.

And as we say hello once again,
those special memories have been gathered with
tender loving and care, as they gently show a life
that was cherished and never forgotten.
Once again, you found the real me and accepted me again.
As Two souls that have become one heart.
I will marry you again.
I bring with me, A renewed understanding, &
acceptance of a new growth from a past, gone by.
A loyal love, a stronger trust,
with a deeper understanding and respect.
I love you, Carroll- Mennez Red Wolf as I love myself,
honoring & respecting you in all things.
I will always support you in everything
you do & join with you in the love &
joy of praising our Goddess & God in whom we believe.
I will defend your life, before my own.
May the Gods give me the strength to keep these,
my vows.
Before my Lady & my Lord of the Wildwood,
do I pledge to love & honor this man-
my love, as we are one heart through out eternity and beyond.
So Mote It Be!”

~HPS~(ask Mennez)~
”What do you bring with you to this sacred union?”

~(Mennez)~(Lays Sthars ring beside his ring on pentacle)& says:

“I too, with tiny tears glistened, as my eyes were fixed on you so long ago,
remembering the life we shared, as we softly said I do.
Our hearts have remained together from that time when we first met.
You too, saw the real me and accepted me,
a time of happiness, a time of sorrow
and pain, as we hid from each other and cried,
to learn from a time of growth.
A loving mystery now gone by, With No regret.

And as we say hello once again,
those lost memories have been gathered
with a special love and care,
as they gently show a life that was cherished
and never forgotten.
You again, see the real me and accept me again.
As our Two souls have become one heart.
I will marry you again.

I too, bring with me, A renewed understanding as well,
& acceptance of a new growth from a past, gone by.
A loyal love, A stronger trust,
with a deeper understanding and respect.
I love you,
Cynthia- Lyraj Sthar Shadow Hawk
as I love myself, honoring & respecting
You in all things.
I will always support you in everything you do
& join with you in the love & joy of praising
our Goddess & God in whom we believe.
I will defend your life before my own.
May the Gods give me the strength to keep these,
my vows.
Before my Lady & my Lord of the Wildwood,
do I pledge to love & honor this woman- my love,
as we are one heart through out eternity and beyond.
So Mote It Be!”

~Sthar & Mennez say together~
”We come into this sacred temple of our own free will,
to join together as one for eternity
in the eyes of our Lady & Lord
of whom we believe & all others.
We are no longer two individuals,
but are now two halves of the one whole.
Each of us is incomplete without the other.
Be with us in all things,
Dear Lady & Lord. Help us cleave together throughout this life and beyond.
All this we ask in Your names, So Mote It Be!”

~HPS~ takes cord & gives her blessing,
then pass to other members to do same.
As members give their blessings-
HPS~Now holds wreaths over each partners head& says;
"The flowers of the field in the circle of Life,
give testament to the joy of love in this sacred union.”
(Place head pieces on their heads)
Last member returns blessed cord to altar.

Bride & groom, facing each other,
their right hand to right hand & left to left~

~HPS~(places wand in their joined hands &
binds their hands together w/ Blessed cord/ribbon)

~HPS~holds censer under their hands &
her athame over their hands,

~HP~holds his athame under their hands at the same time~

~HPS~ (to Sthar & Mennez together)~
As your hands are bound to your love-
repeat together after me;

“By seed & root, bud & stem, leaf, flower & fruit;
By life & love in the name of my Lady & Lord,
I take thee to my hand, My heart, my spirit.
Through the rising & setting of the sun,
Through the phases of the moon & cycles of the stars,
Shall we be one now,As the reincarnations of our life cycles continue."

~HP~(to both)~
"With the wand of life in both your hands,
& both bound together as one,
do you both pledge yourselves,
one unto the other in the bonds of this union?

~Sthar & Menenz~ “I do.”

~HPS~(to both)~
“And do you vow to each other,
to bring the light of love & joy to this union,
& maintain these vows in freedom,
and understand this is binding you both
to each other not only in this life time,
but through eternity, as well?"

~ Sthar & Mennez ~ “I do.”

~HP ~
"Then let there always be peace,
love and joy between you,
as you travel life’s path together."

~HPS~(removes wand & bindings & replaced on altar.)& says;
"In Nature all things are circular.
Night becomes day, day becomes night.
The Moon waxes & wanes & waxes again.
There is Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter,
& Spring returns.
These are the part of the Great Mysteries.......
Did you bring your symbols of these mysteries of life?”

~ Sthar & Mennez ~ “We have.”
(Rings should already be on altar pentacle)

~HP ~(pass brides ring through elementals by saying)~
"By Air for peace, the flight of new ideas & fresh beginnings."

~HP~(pass ring through center candle by saying)~
"By Fire for protection, & strength,
with renewal of passion."

~HP~(sprinkle ring w/ water & say)~
"By Water for love & harmony,
with understanding of each other."

~HP~(sprinkle ring w/ salt & say)~
"By Earth for family & strong foundation, with stability."
(Lay ring back on altar pentacle.)

~HPS~(pass grooms ring through elementals from the altar, by saying)~
"By Air for peace, the flight of new ideas & fresh beginnings."
~HPS~ (pass ring through center candle by saying)~
"By Fire for protection, & strength, with renewal of passion."
~HPS~ (sprinkle ring w/ water & say)~
"By Water for love & harmony,
with understanding of each other."
~HPS~ (sprinkle ring w/ salt & say)~
"By Earth for family & strong foundation, with stability."
~HPS~Lay ring w/ other ring on pentacle & smudge both rings, saying;~
"Through sage, I manifest this! So Mote It Be !"
(HPS~Now holds both rings high, together , pause, & say)~
"I call upon the Great Lady & the Great Lord,
to cleanse & bless these rings.
Let thy light shine in the hearts of these two
as one in union, today & beyond.
These rings are charged with the power of the
Ancient One's to the wearer's of these Circles of
Life, bound to union today in the eyes of all.
As this is willed, so mote it be!"
(Place rings back on pentacle)

~(Bride & Groom troths are to be said together,
after rings are given to them)~

~HP~(to Sthar)~(takes brides ring hands to
bride the grooms ring & say)~
"Pledge your troth as you hold your symbols together,
of the Great Mysteries of life."

~HPS~(hands groom the brides ring & says.)
"Pledge your troth as you hold your symbols together,
of the Great Mysteries of life."

~Sthar says to Mennez & Mennez says to Sthar~
As Holding both rings together & right hand to right hand,
left hand to left hand in infinity~

Sthar~ Long, long ago, I asked all the assembled Gods in their glory for one precious gift.
Mennez~ Long, long ago, I asked all the Gods in their eternity for one ultimate blessing.
Sthar~ Something that would be strong beneath my feet.
Mennez~ Something that would be as gentle as a warm feather comforter on a snowy night.
Sthar~ Something that would fit so well that I would wear it everyday.
Mennez~ Something that would grow as I grew.
Sthar~ Something that would challenge me & stretch my minds horizons.
Mennez~ Something that would make me a better person.
Sthar~ Something that I could always be proud of.
Mennez~ Something that would always believe in me.
Sthar~ Something that would accept me the way I am.
Mennez~ Something that would make me feel, for the first time,What it was to be truly loved.
Sthar~ Something that would fly with me every Spring.
Mennez~ Dance with me every Summer.
Sthar~ Share my harvest every Autumn.
Mennez~ Walk with me every Winter.
Sthar~ Lie with me every night.
Mennez~ Awake to me every morning.
Sthar~ Share my hopes and dreams.
Mennez~ Share my pains and sorrows.
Sthar~ Share my youth and strength.
Mennez~ Share my old age and wisdom.
Sthar~ Hold my hand.
Mennez~ And love me forever.
Sthar~ And the Gods gave me you.
Mennez~ And the Gods gave me you.
Sthar~ You are the companion of my heart and soul.
Mennez~ You are the companion of my body and mind.
Sthar~ Your presence is my blessings,
Mennez~ And you are still my greatest gift,
Sthar~ All that I have is yours,
Mennez~ And all that I am, I became with your aid,
Sthar~ All that I promised you before, I swear again with all my heart.
Mennez~ All that I promised you before, I swear again with all my heart.
Sthar~ As I stand here once more, With a new understanding of what love
& life are Truly About,
I have no regrets.
Mennez~ And as I stand here again, With a new understanding of what love
& life are Truly about, I too, have no regrets.

Sthar~Places ring on Mennez and says:
“ I give to you this Circle of life again, as a symbol of my love for you.
Let it remind you always, as it circles your finger, of my eternal love,
surrounding you always & enfolding you day & night. You are my beloved partner
& friend & I promise to you today with this ring, as I give you my heart,
my body, my mind with the renewal of a much deeper love & a stronger devotion
through the years of my life and beyond, we are one.

Mennez~ places ring on Sthar and says;
“ I too, give you this Circle of life again, as a symbol of my love for you.
Let it remind you always, as it circles your finger, of my eternal love,
surrounding you always & enfolding you day & night. You are my beloved partner
& friend & I promise to you today with this ring, as I give you my heart,
my body, my mind with the renewal of a much deeper love & a stronger devotion
through the years of my life and beyond, we are one.

~Last statement on life~

~HP~ "As the grass of the fields & the trees of the woods bend together
under pressure of the storm, so too, must you both bend when the wind blows strong."

~HPS~ "But know that as quickly as the storm comes, so equally may it leave.
Yet you both will stand strong in each others strength."

~HP~ "As you give love, so will you receive love. As you give strength,
so will you receive strength. Together you are one; apart you are nothing."

~HPS~ "Know that no two people can be exactly alike. No more can any two people
fit together perfectly in everyway, no matter how hard they may try."

~HP~"There will be times when it will seem hard to give & to love.
But see then, your reflection as a woodland pool; when the image you see,
looks sad & angered, then is the time for you to smile & to love.....
For it is not Fire, that puts out Fire."

~HPS~ "In return, will the image in the pool smile & love.
So too, you change anger for love & tears of joy. It is No weakness to admit wrong;
more is it a strength & a sign of learning and growth."

~HP~ "Always love, help & respect each other, & then know truly that you are one
in the eyes of the Ancient One's."
~HPS~ "So Mote It Be!"

~HPS~ "Let those here bear witness that Mennez Red Wolf & Lyraj Sthar Shadow Hawk
are united in love before the Gods, the Ancient Ones, blessings have been given.
May their love partake of beauty, majesty & power of the scared land,
& may they grow together in wisdom, joy & harmony. My blessings &
the blessings of all gathered, be with you.

HPS~(sprinkles couple w/ blessed water, & raises their hands high & Say);
" With your symbols of love, honor & life, you are bound to one another &
may now seal your promises with a kiss.
The blessings of the Divine & of the Ancestors, be with you &
with all that grows from your union. So Mote It Be!"

~HP~says;~" AS you jump the besom together, begin your renewed life with a clean sweep
& good luck, Before the Great Lady & the Great Lord; before the Elementals,
& Ancestors, the Ancient Ones and before all gathered here tonight,
you are now Bound in this honored unity of Sacredness."

~HPS~(After they jump besom then say);
"Your new life together as one heart, now begins."

~Perform great rite~

~HPS/HP say together~
"Depart in peace Elemental kin, Earth, Water, Fire, & Air, or stay if you wish.
Our blessings take with you."
~HP~snuffs elemental candle/torches and bows.~
~HPS~ "My Lady & My Lord, we thank you for sharing this time with us.
Blessings have been given, & blessings have been received.
May we ever remember Your love.
Love is the bond & love is the law.
This circle is clear & yet remains, Merry meet, Merry part, Merry meet again.
~HPS/HP say together~ "This rite has ended with the blessings of the Ancient Ones!"

snuff altar candles & ring bell 3x's.
Follow with festivities,/may pole dancing/music,reception, or with what is planned.